The Chandler Curriculum Outline for Training Pop Singers
Kim Chandler
This unique poster is designed to be a convenient tool for both teacher and student alike as a quick reference and summary of the main “hit points” for planning and structuring content in a singing lesson and building an ongoing personalized program for learning and performance.
It’s a generic schema with bullet points covering several key areas: posture, breathing and support, tone and registration, diction, rhythm, vibrato, pitch, harmony, range, agility, musicianship, interpretation, performance, amplification and technology and vocal health. While most of these pertain to all singing, the content emphasises how this applies specifically to pop music, in its broadest definition.
The earliest version of this curriculum outline was first proposed by this author in the conclusion of her Masters thesis (London College of Music, 2001). This poster is the latest amended, expanded, and updated version. Based on the observations of the author’s many years of high-level performing experience, the content was devised by reverse engineering what pop singers needed to be able to do and know about in order to be effective in the music industry and presenting it concisely and clearly by breaking it down into the abovementioned areas.
This poster is designed to inform and guide every key aspect of performance - from individual lesson content through to the development of whole curricula at tertiary level in schools, colleges, universities and independent teaching studios.
'Your curriculum poster is great! A very rare oasis of truth and sanity in the vocal pedagogy world. You have successfully defined and distilled singing into basic elements. It could become a true classic...' - Tapani Rauha, Singing Teacher, Turku, Finland
'Bloody brilliant!' Vocal Coach, Melbourne, Australia